Sunday Sampler ~ week 4 :: TARGET Square

week 4
:: target square ::

Foundation Ring: Using Yarn A, work 4ch and join with ss to form a ring.
Round 1: 5ch (counts as 1tr 2ch), [3tr into ring, 2ch] 3 times, 2tr into ring, join with ss into 3rd of 5ch. (four groups of 3tr, four 2ch spaces forming corners)
Round 2: Ss into 2 ch sp, 7ch (counts as 1tr, 4ch), * 2tr into same 2ch sp, 1tr into each tr across side of square, ** 2tr into next 2ch sp, 4ch; rep from * twice and from * to ** again, 1tr into last 2ch sp, join with ss to 3rd of 7ch. (four groups of 7tr, four spaces forming corners) Break off yarn A.
Round 3: Join yarn B to 4ch sp, 7ch (counts as 1tr, 4ch), * 2tr into same 4ch sp, 1tr into each tr across side of square, ** 2tr into next 4ch sp, 4ch; rep from * twice and from * to ** again, 1tr into last 4ch sp, join with ss to 3rd of 7ch. (four groups of 7tr, four spaces forming corners) Break off yarn B.
Round 4: Join yarn C to 4ch sp, rep round 3. (four groups of 15tr, four 4ch spaces forming corners.) Break off yarn C.
Round 5: Join yarn B to 4ch sp, rep round 3. (four groups of 19tr, four 4ch spaces forming corners.) Break off yarn B.
Round 6: Join yarn A to 4ch sp, rep round 3. (four groups of 23tr, four 4ch spaces forming corners.) Break off yarn B.
Round 7: 1ch, 1dc into each tr in previous round, working [2dc, 1ch, 2dc] into each 4ch corner space, join with ss into first dc.
Round 8: 1ch, 1dc into each dc in previous round, working 2ch at each corner, join with ss into first dc.
Fasten off yarn.

This is a close up of the stitch.

I would love to see any squares you make x


  1. Tina said ...

    youre sooooo clever maria!! love the colours!!! xxx xx

    13th Feb 2011


I love reading your comments ... thank you xx